World Missions

These are some of the global missions which we at The Lake of the Woods Church support. Follow the links below to find out more about any of these powerful ministries.


Dr. Bruce and Emma Behnken, missionaries to Asia, travel four times a year to Saigon, Vietnam, and once a year to Thailand and Singapore. They oversee a Filipina missionary (Ruby Gatchalian) in Saigon; teach in three CBI schools in three provinces of the Philippines with 120 students and organize and train teaching teams of six Asian missionaries to go into Saigon.


(Partner) I.N.I.M. plants churches and runs orphanages and a Bible College for training evangelists and pastors.

Mission Sending Service - Taiwan

Eric & Annie Pilson are missionaries for Mission Sending Service; their goal is to establish Gospel-centered Churches throughout Taiwan. In 2017 they started a new church and in 2021 moved to a new area to start another church. Their strategy for building the church is personal evangelism, English activities and equipping local leaders.

Youth with a Mission (YWAM)

(Partner) Youth with a Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world The Lake of the Woods Church supports Kelly and Vicki Hoodikoff and their two children who serve primarily in Kiev, Ukraine. There they lead a missions center with a staff of eight. They also travel extensively from the Caribbean to Asia to establish and develop new works.”

Mission to the World
Mission to the World

Preston and Sarah Clarkson are missionaries for Mission to the World and minister in a country where there is persecution of Christians. Their calling is to see God create a movement of mature, gospel-centered and indigenous-led churches among Muslim background believers, especially among refugees. Preston empowers and supports new leaders and church planters among indigenous believers.

Victory 1:27

Victory 1:27 works to provide food, shelter and education to children and families in need in the slums outside of Kampala, Uganda. A primary strategy is to raise up and encourage sponsors for the children in the school. Lake of the Woods Church will pay the sponsorship fee for people willing to be a sponsor and correspond with a child.


Lindsay is the team leader for an outreach team focused on church planting in a very culturally and ethnically diverse neighborhood in London, UK. She has served overseas since 2012 and is passionate about youth work, one-on-one discipleship & leading musical worship in the local church plant.