Jubilee Enhancements

As The Lake of the Woods Church celebrates its 50-year Jubilee, we have established the Jubilee Enhancement Program in order to address the improvement of our church campus so that we are ready and able to continue to serve the Lord in ministry for the next 50 years.

There are three targeted areas of enhancement, and our prayer is that together we can complete these projects swiftly.


First, we want to improve the level of accessibility we offer to the elderly and those with disabilities. Our goal is to better align the church campus with the standards found in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Handicap access is vital for enabling those with physical limitations to worship, serve, and grow together in a safe and welcoming environment.


Second, we want to improve the aesthetic quality of our church building. The original sanctuary was commissioned in 1986, almost 40 years ago! Just like any home, there is plenty of preventative maintenance that must be handled to ensure our worship and meeting spaces will last for years to come.


Finally, we want to prepare for the future. With today’s rapid innovation of technology, we want to make sure that our infrastructure systems are able to handle the increased efficiency and power of IT systems as they become available, allowing us to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively, as we carry out our mission.

Supporting Jubilee Enhancements

These projects are not possible without your continued generosity and support. Click the "Give Here" button below to use our online given platform and contribute to our Jubilee Enhancement fund.
You can also click the "Pledge Form" button to download a form to submit to the treasurers if you would prefer to donate on a regular schedule following a pledge system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jubilee Enhancements?

Jubilee Enhancements is our program to make the church more welcoming, accessible, and safe for everyone who enters our doors.

Why are we doing the elevator first before other projects?

The need for an elevator to provide the elderly and disabled unimpeded access between the floors of the building has been known for years.  When the Worship Center was planned and built twenty years ago, an elevator shaft was included.

In March 2023, the Board of Elders authorized funds to hire an architectural firm. In August 2023, a contract with the architectural firm Herlong and Associates was approved.  The contract included an elevator and an evaluation of the church building to identify barriers to access and make recommendations to fix them.
Herlong and Associates developed numerous recommendations for removal of barriers.  In February 2024, the Board of Elders approved Herlong and Associates completing the drawings, specifications, permits, and documents necessary to solicit proposals from contractors for construction of the elevator and elimination of other barriers to access.  We anticipate receiving contractor proposals in late June or early July.

In addition to the elevator, we will be installing a ramp, improving some doors for ease of access, making restrooms more accessible, and other areas to improve mobility throughout the building for people in wheelchairs, on crutches, elderly as well as families with children.

What is the timeline for Jubilee Enhancements?

We believe we are looking at a 24 to 36-month timeframe.

How much is the elevator and improved access going to cost?

At this point we only have the architectural firm’s estimate. We will not have a firm quote until a contract is signed with the contractor(s) which is expected in June 2024. The architectural firm’s estimate is around $550,000 but again we do not have any contractor proposals.

Will the work be all contracted?

The projects will be divided into two categories. One category will be for projects that require external support from contractors. Installing an elevator clearly requires an experienced contractor. The other category will be projects that we can do in house such as we do with Home Helps. The new cross in the Worship Center is an example of work we have done with volunteers.

What projects are on the list?

At this point we only have the accessibility and safety work that is being designed by Herlong Associates on the list. We are in the information gathering phase. The Board of Elders will receive a report from the Jubilee Enhancement Team in late April for review. The Board of Elders will evaluate the list to determine other projects that should be addressed as God provides funds.

How do we get something added to the project list?

Send an email to elder.bg@lowchurch.org and the Jubilee Enhancement Team will add to the project list for review.

Who and how is the decision made on what projects get worked on next? Will we have input to that priority?

To make the church more welcoming, accessible, and safe for everyone, the Board of Elders will evaluate all projects and prioritize them in one of these categories.

  • Accessibility and Safety
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Reducing monthly operating costs
  • Enhancing our Church for the next 50 years.

Then as God provides the resources projects will be scheduled.

How is the church paying for this? Are we going into debt?
  • We will only do a project as the Lord provides through designated donations.
  • We will not borrow money – we will not incur debt.
  • We will not use Jubilee Enhancements funds for the Outreach Center.
  • We will not use regular general offering funds for Jubilee Enhancements projects.
Are you asking us to commit to a pledge amount?

We do not need people to commit to pledging a specific amount, but if you choose to do so a pledge form specific to Jubilee Enhancements is available here, or in-person at the Administration Office.

How much money do we need to raise? What period of time do we have?

We are not setting a limit or dollar amount as we will be responding to what God provides.  We think Jubilee Enhancements will be a 24-36-month period.

How do we designate a contribution to the Jubilee Enhancement Fund?

The first method is to designate in the memo line of a check “Jubilee”. The second is to go to the giving page on the church website www.lowchurch.org/give. Once there click on “Give Online”.  We have a drop-down menu for “Jubilee Enhancements”.  As a third option you can contact the Treasurer at treasurer@lowchurch.org and they will guide you.

Why was Jubilee Enhancements not identified in December 2023 when the church was asked to approve the lease for the Community Outreach Center?

The elevator project has been in planning since the summer of 2023, beginning with some specially donated funds on hand. At the time of the Congregational Meeting, Jubilee Enhancements was not even a concept. The planning discussion for Jubilee Enhancements, expanding on and incorporating the elevator project, first began at the joint Board of Elders and Board of Trustees training meeting on January 7, 2024, and matured into a concept for action at the Board of Elders and Board of Trustees training meeting on January 20, 2024.

Do we have funding for both the Community Outreach Center and these projects?

As we trust God we do. He will provide for His work. Do we have all the funds in the bank right now? No, but as God provides and only as He provides, we will move forward.

Do these projects impact the budget that is available to the other ministries?

We are committed to not divert any funds that are in the current budget for ministries as approved by the Congregation on December 10, 2023. All funds for Jubilee Enhancements will be designated donations above what is contained in the budget.

How do we know the status of the funding, the list of projects, and what priority they have been assigned?

There are several methods to keep you informed.

  • We are planning monthly Jubilee Enhancements Forums to report to the congregation.
  • There will be an article in each CrossCurrents dedicated to Jubilee Enhancements.
  • The webpage is up and will have the latest information.
How well defined at this time is the scope of the work?

With respect to the major accessibility projects, we have a fairly well-defined plan as we have an architectural firm, Herlong Associates, preparing drawings and documents to solicit proposals.

As to the additional projects, we have much work to be done and expect that the Board of Elders will be providing a detailed list of possible projects by the first week of June.

Is the elevator a top priority?

Yes, as it is the initial focus of improving accessibility for everyone.

Can any materials be repurposed to help cut costs?

In some cases, yes, but in the major construction contracts there is not much that can be repurposed. Efficient timing and scheduling have more impact than repurposing. We will be looking for ways to cut costs, and to be good stewards.

About how long will the congregation be "feeling" the effects of the work?

The major construction project will start no earlier than August 2024 and is projected to be completed in June 2025. For planning purposes, there will be 3 months when the Youth area and the Finance Office will not be available. We are developing plans for Wednesday evenings and Sundays.

Will the projects be done in stages?

If you mean, by stages that one project is completed before the next one is started, no. We can have numerous areas of the church undergoing projects simultaneously. In fact, we have some of the smaller projects happening now and will continue as we have God’s blessings.

Does Jubilee Enhancements relate to the Living Water Community Clinic in any way?

No, the Living Water Community Clinic will not be impacted by what we are doing in the church.